24/25 Open Positions Please contact the main office at 603-736-9331 if you have any questions about these or other positions.
March 2024 Climate & Culture Survey Results
The Epsom School District Deliberative Session will take place on Tuesday, February 4th, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. in the Epsom Central School gym. Notice from the Epsom School Board (including warrants and petition)****
Epsom Water District announcement
Kindergarten Registration Information - Click Here
Free Online Tutoring
Students in grades 6-12 have access to a no-cost, on-demand 1-to-1 tutoring, homework help, and test prep in a wide range of subjects, along with self-paced resources.
Families may sign-up at:https://leo.tutor.com/Auth/LoginLHH
Grant Information
We have updated grant information on the school website found here:
If you have any ideas or feedback on how Epsom Central School can address student learning loss or any additional ideas, please email [email protected]
Grant Survey Results
One Call Now Messages
One Call Now is an automated Parent Notification System. We utilize this system for school delays and cancellations as well as school announcements.
In addition to receiving calls from the school using this system, parents can easily retrieve or replay a message that was cut off from an answering machine, answered by a toddler, or received on a cellular phone that dropped the call mid-message. In order to do this, follow these instructions:
- Call toll-free (877) 698-3261 or (866) 321-4255 from any touch-tone phone.
- When prompted by the system, press 1 to listen to the most recent message sent to you.
Welcome Back!
The Dot (K-5)
Crocodiles - Kindergarten
Nature Inspired Weaving - Grade 3
Culturally Inspired Masks - Grades 6 & 7
Shades of Purple
Deerfield Fair Artwork 2023